Lada: The Song of Love and Harmony in Slavic Mythology


Lada’s important ideas are spring, safety, getting through hard times, family, energy, and happiness. She can be found in birch trees and bells. Lada finally comes out of her winter hiding place today, dressed in full Slavic regalia and dancing with joy because spring has finally come. She tries to move, and her skirts heal people and make the world look beautiful again. She is carrying a birch tree and flowers to honor the earth’s fertility and to get people to plant again. Last but not least, today wear something floral or drink a birch beer. Even better, make a birch drink float where the snow (frozen cream) melts in Lada’s warmth, giving you power as you sip. For Slavic people, Lada is the goddess of beauty and spring. People in Russia, Slovakia, and other Eastern European countries worshiped her. She seems to be a young woman with long blonde hair most of the time. It’s because she has wild roses that people call her “Lady of the Flowers.” Lada is the goddess of spring, and animals and people love her and have kids because of her. People say that she comes back from the dead every year on the Spring Equinox and brings spring with her.

“To some, the Slavic goddess of love and beauty looks like Freya, Isis, or Aphrodite. Of course, she seems to have something to do with Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and birth. Lada is usually shown as a girl with long, golden hair and a wreath of wheat ears braided into her hair. The fact that she is a prosperity goddess and a part of the Mother of the Wet Land is shown by this. Her breasts sometimes looked like the Sun’s ability to make life happen. Lada has yearly cycles because she is the goddess of abundance. She stayed in the place where the dead live until the spring equinox, which shows how much faith she has. “Does this story sound familiar to you?” Is there a link between the Greek goddess Persephone/Kore and the Native American Oniata?

Inir opens the gate to the government right before Lada is meant to walk into the world and bring spring. In this way, the fertility god can bless the earth. At the end of the summer, Lada goes back to Iraj. Lada is mostly a goddess of summer, even though she becomes queen on March 21. Her god is Vesna, who is the Slavic goddess of spring. So many of these Goddesses have something to do with birth that it can be hard to tell who does what. April is also named “laden” after Lada, which shows that her rule begins in the spring. It rains and is very hot at night in the summer, which is the best time to honor the Goddess of Love.

A cock, a deer, an ant, and an eagle are Lada’s animal figures. A cherry, a flower, a linden, and a rose are her plant figures. He chose to write about Lada in his book called “The Slavic Astrology.” He said she has something to do with Venus and the Taurus sign. One of her roles is the Goddess of Fertility, whose rule begins in the spring. In this case, she can also play the goddess Vesna. There is a story that says Lada can marry Svarog and that Svarog could not have made the world without her help. Because she is friends with Jarilo, she is connected to Aphrodite, and Ares is Aphrodite’s boyfriend. Most of the time, getting married or picking a partner is part of ceremonies done to honor Lada. Ladarice, which is also known as Krallice in Serbia, is one of the approved rites. Vuk Karadi talked about the most important parts of this ceremony.

On Holy Trinity Day, about ten girls get together. One is dressed as a queen, another as a king, and the third as a person who moves the flag. The other girls are dancing around the queen, who is sitting in a chair. The king and the person who waves the flag will each dance alone. The queens then head out to find girls who are old enough to get married. One of Lada’s traditions is to jump over a fire. All over Europe, people did this all the time. Its job was to make sure the quality of sperm and keep people and animals safe from harm. This is a lot like the customs of Beltane, when people honor the May Queen by jumping over a bonfire to get clean and make sure they will have children.

“Lada is a name that means unity, peace, and harmony.” She blesses relationships based on love for peace and happiness, and she brings peace to the home and weddings. In Russia, a happy married couple is said to “live in Lada.” “The most common things that are done to honor her are getting married or picking a partner.



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