The Boobrie : The Mythical Brid in Scottish Mythology

The Boobrie

The Boobrie

The Boobrie, a mythological monster from Scotland, is a horrific bird that preys on untamed otters and occasionally steals farm animals from transport ships. The creature, described as just a colossal bird, frequently makes a loud braying noise that sounds more like a bull than just a bird. These creatures were said to have lived in Lochaber, Scotland, in addition to Argyll. One of those monsters was told to live in Loch Leathan. The Boobrie is particularly fond of the calf but has also been known to kidnap sheep and otters.

It was characterized as a shape-shifting creature that could take on three different forms at any time. The first is that of a massive, monstrous bird, which was its most common form. It was similar to a northern diver but with much larger claws. It was connected with water & lakes in all three formats, and as such, it was skilful of diving too deep. There are old occurrences of this monster that claim a Boobrie remained submerged for more than 5 hours, implying that the monster either doesn’t need to breathe or travelled a long distance beneath the surface & emerged somewhere else.

A Boobrie could also change into an aquatic horse, similar to the Each-Uisge of Scottish folklore. Finally, it could develop into a water animal known as a Tarbh-Uisg. Regardless, these same myths may have arisen due to sightings of the beautiful auk bird, whereas the character trait of bellowing noise could be the call of the popular bittern.


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