Anaye: Navajo Old Race of Small Mythical Beings


The Anaye, who were an old race of beings and were known as the “Alien Gods,” were mean to the Navajo. Separating men and women was a huge social experiment that led to them. In the initial stages of our species, males and females often got into fights. They would split up, but eventually they would come back together because they were tired and hungry.

On the other hand, this move had results. When the women were unable to have sex with the men, they found other ways to do it. Different Anaye culture practices recognized the “fathering” part that these strange behaviors played in the everyday lives of the people who were affected by them. In the story, Yeitso was “fathered” by a stone and wore flint armor. Teelget was “fathered” by an antler, Tsenahale by a mound of feathers, and Binaye Ahani by a sour cactus.

All of the Anaye have the same story: their moms left them soon after birth because they were scared, but they all grew up to be dangerous adults. They took whatever they pleased to the ground, eating and killing things as they went. Nayenezgani, also known as “Slayer of Alien Gods,” as well as his brother To’badzistsini, also known as “Child of Water,” put an end to the Anaye’s rule of fear. Estsanatlehi and Yolkai’Estsan had Tsohanoai, the boys who carry the sun.

The twin heroes grew up quickly and chose to find their real father and figure out what their life’s purpose was. When they met Spider-Woman, she gave them live feathers and a spell to calm them down in case they were in trouble. After leaving Spider-Woman’s house, they went into a number of dangerous places. When the twins got to Tsohanoai’s house, they were greeted by two bear guards. Spider Woman’s holy words calmed them down, though. Two guardian snakes were calmed down in the same way: by two guardian winds and two guardian electricity. Once they got inside, Tsohanoai’s workers hid the twins in the four sky coverings until their father came back.

It was stormy when Tsohanoai came in. He yelled, “Who are the two people who came in today?” But the sun carrier’s wife got back at him in a clever way. “Who are you to speak?” was the question. There are two kids here looking for their dad. If you don’t see anyone else, whose kids are these? Tsohanoai was furious, so he grabbed the bundle of robes and shook them out, revealing the twins under the robe of the dawn, the robe of the blue sky, the robe of the yellow evening light, and the robe of the night. He threw them at spikes made of white shell in the east, turquoise in the south, Haliotis in the west, and black rock in the north, but they didn’t get hurt. They stuck to Spider Woman’s feathers.

Tsohanoai said they wished those babies were their own. After that, he finally admitted that his kids existed and joined them in their plan to destroy the Anaye. After killing Yeitso, the first Anaye, Tobadzistsini took care of both of his brothers’ moms. But Nayenezgani became famous that day, and he went on to kill the rest of the famous Anaye. Nayenezgani killed many animals after Yeitso, such as the elk Teelget, a Tsenahale bird for food, the monster Tsetahotsiltali, a Binaye Ahani and their deadly gaze, the tracking bears Sasnalkahi, and many more.

There were some Anaye who did not die, though. It was saved after Tse’nagahi, the “Traveling Stone,” promised never to hurt anyone else. A few small Anaye were also hiding. They looked sad, alone, and worn out, making people feel more sorry for them than afraid. They were able to persuade Nayenezgani of how important the matter was.

When Nayenezgani looked for San, he found an old woman with white hair who was crooked and wrinkled. I’m sorry, Grandma. I’ve only come to visit for a short time. He said, “I’m sorry, but I’m here to kill you.” Her voice cracked as she asked, “Why would you kill me?” “I have never meant to hurt someone.” The growth of people will stop if you kill me. Boys can’t have guys as fathers. No one will naturally choose the new over the old. If you let me live, I’ll do everything I can to help you have more children. Nayenezgani chose to spare San because of this.

He then went looking for Hakaz Estsรกn. She lived in the mountains with the most snow. She was an old woman who was naked and shivering furiously from head to toe. Her teeth were chattering and her eyes were constantly streaming. He told her, “Grandmother, I will be mean and kill you so that men no longer die of cold.” Someone joked, “Kill me if you have to.” However, the weather will stay too high without me. There will be a drought all over, and people will be thirsty when the water runs out. She was also saved by Nayenezgani.

It was Tiein’s turn when it was his. A dirty man and a dirty woman in torn clothes sat together in the empty house. “Grandmother, Grandfather, I shall be cruel to you, for I am here to kill you,” he stated. The old man said, “Do not kill us.” We wouldn’t be here, so things would stay the same.
Still, it’s our actions that cause old clothes to wear out, which leads to the creation of new, trendy clothes to replace them. Let’s stay alive so that people can keep making new things. Nayenezgani chose to let them go to keep them safe.

It got even worse when Ditsi’n showed up. This is the leader of the Hunger People, a big, fat guy who lived only on the little brown plant. Nayenezgani said, “I will be cruel and kill you so that people no longer have to go hungry.” But Ditsi’n stated, “Do not kill us, for without ourselves, people would not care regarding food, they would not prepare and cook meals, and they would lose the pleasures of hunting and cooking” . Besides that, they were also saved.

A very small amount of knowledge is given about the other lesser Anaye. We know that Ya’ begged to be saved by saying that being around it taught compassion and that people would ask their friends to take care of it. The more direct way Bil made its point was by having Nayenezgani touch it with his finger, which made the hero fall asleep. When Nayenezgani got back from saving the last of Anaye’s children, he and his brother or sister only got some much-needed rest. They moved to the area around the San Juan River, and many of them still live there.



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