Mythologies Around The World

Join us as we delve into the realms of gods, monsters, and heroes, connecting the threads of human imagination across cultures and centuries. Embark on a mythic journey and let the magic of storytelling captivate your senses at




  • รžjazi Norse jรถtunn

    รžjazi Norse jรถtunn

    jazi was a jรถtunn in Norse folklore. Skai was his son, the brother of Ii and Gangr and the parent of the jรถtunn lvaldi. His most infamous crime, detailed in the classical Prose Edda and a skaldic poem Haustlรถng, was the abduction of the deity Iunn. During their travels through the mountains and wilderness, Odin,…

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  • Tale of Norse Giant Hymir

    Tale of Norse Giant Hymir

    According to every Eddic poem Hymiskvia, the Jtunn Hymir is also the father of the god Tr. Hymir is also the spouse of the Hrรณr.ย  Many of his children have married. The gods voted for a feast and agreed that gir, god of the sea, would play host. However, the gir was irritated by the…

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  • Skrymir: Tallest Giant In Norse Mythology

    Skrymir: Tallest Giant In Norse Mythology

    Skrymir is the tallest of the giants, and he is also the toughest and the smartest. Skrymir resides in the Jotumheim region of Utgard. Udgard Loki is another name for Skrymir. Skrymir is skilled in the magical arts, particularly illusions, which he frequently employs to provoke the wrath of the Nordic gods. At the beginning…

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  • Tengri : The Mighty Sky God in Turkish Mythology

    Tengri : The Mighty Sky God in Turkish Mythology

    People say that Tengri made the world and everything in it, including all living things. He is usually shown as a good god who rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior. People think that Tengri controls the air, rain, and other natural events, which would make the link between Tengri and the natural world even…

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  • Ymir Norse mythology (Race of Primordial Forest Giant )

    Ymir Norse mythology (Race of Primordial Forest Giant )

    In Ymir Norse mythology is a primordial giant who plays a significant role in the story of how the universe came to be. A creature born from the explosive collision of ice and fire, he ate cosmic bovine poop and became the material for the cosmos. He can procreate independently, and one of his progeny…

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  • Slavic Mythical Creatures All Around The World

    Slavic Mythical Creatures All Around The World

    Slavic mythology is a rich and fascinating tradition that is filled with a diverse array of mythical creatures. These creatures are often seen as guardians or protectors of the natural world, and are thought to have a deep spiritual significance for the Slavic people. Domovoi One of the most well-known Slavic creatures is the domovoi,…

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  • Jรถtnar: Giants in Norse Mythology

    Jรถtnar: Giants in Norse Mythology

    In Norse mythology, Jรถtnar were a colossal beings. The Jรถtnar are generally depicted as being very tall and powerful. Jรถtunheimr, one among the nine Norse worlds, was home to the Jรถtnar and typically portrayed as a bleak and icy land. The Jรถtnar were viewed as adversaries of the Gods and often engaged in disputes with…

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  • Strzybรณg: Slavic God of Wind and Change

    Strzybรณg: Slavic God of Wind and Change

    Strzybรณg, the god of winds and change, is a fascinating and mysterious figure in the Slavic people’s extensive and varied mythology. Strzybรณg, who is sometimes represented as a winged creature or a man with feathers for hair, represents the regenerative potential of nature and the cyclical nature of life and death. Legend has it that…

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  • Perun: Mythology of Slavic Supreme God of Thunder and Lightning

    Perun: Mythology of Slavic Supreme God of Thunder and Lightning

    In the pantheon of Slavic gods, few are as revered and feared as Perun, the god of thunder and lightning. Known for his fierce power and wrathful nature, Perun is a complex and multifaceted deity whose mythology spans the ages. Perun is often depicted as a tall, muscular man with a flowing beard and piercing…

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  • Jarilo: Mythology of Slavic God of Vegetation and Fertility

    Jarilo: Mythology of Slavic God of Vegetation and Fertility

    Jarilo is the name of this god, and his narrative is one of love, sacrifice, and rebirth. One ancient Slavic god was especially linked to the cycles of life, death, and reincarnation. The deity of thunder, Perun, and the goddess of love and fertility, Lada, had a son named Jarilo. Jarilo got his youthful and…

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